Saturday, November 23, 2019

Nov 18 - 22

*A reminder that home reading books are to be exchanged every Thursday for those students in the program!
*It was wonderful see you all at conferences this week! 

Students have been reading a large variety of fairy tales to gain a greater understanding of this genre. From here, students will be creating a "recipe" that describes the story elements of a fairytale. Students will then have the opportunity to explore story writing through created story element cards and loose parts. Students will be working towards their own 'fractured' or 'twisted tale'!


Multiplication Is:

 Using Arrays to Show Multiplication Concepts: Overview

Students can more readily develop an understanding of multiplication concepts if they see visual representations of the computation process. For example, they can picture students in a marching band arranged in equal rows or chairs set up in rows in an auditorium. These arrangements all have something in common; they are all in rows and columns. An arrangement of objects, pictures, or numbers in columns and rows is called an array. Arrays are useful representations of multiplication concepts.
This array has 4 rows and 3 columns. It can also be described as a 4 by 3 array.
four by three array
This array has 5 rows and 4 columns. It is a 5 by 4 array.
five by four array
Notice that the rows in each array are equal. Think of the rows as equal groups. Your students used equal groups to multiply in second grade. Look at this example.
two groups of five
multiplication sentence
When equal groups are arranged in equal rows, an array is formed.
two rows of five
multiplication sentence
When you show students the connection between equal groups and arrays, students can easily understand how to use arrays to multiply. They will use arrays again later to divide.
Look at the multiplication sentence that describes the array below. The numbers in multiplication sentences have special names.
three columns of six
multiplication sentence
The numbers that are multiplied are called factors. The answer is called the product.
Now look at what happens to the factors and product in the multiplication sentence when the array is turned on its side.
Three rows of six
multiplication sentence
The order of the factors changed, but the product stayed the same. When the order of the factors in any multiplication sentence changes, the product does not change. This is called the Commutative Property of Multiplication. Students should be familiar with the Commutative Property because it also applies to addition. They studied the Commutative Property of Addition earlier. See Addition and Subtraction.
Help students realize that by applying the Commutative Property, they know twice as many multiplication facts. For example, if they know 8 x 5 = 40, then they also know 5 x 8 = 40.

Friday, November 15, 2019

November 11 - 15

Hi Families! Please sign up for school conferences as soon as possible - I can't wait to meet with each of you and celebrate your child's learning! 

We have practiced paragraph writing with the support of Hamburger Organizers. Students worked with the support to begin their writing and worked with a co-created Bullseye Rubric to assess their next steps. Students then adjusted and improved their work and began writing their final copy. 
 Image result for scientific conclusion writing


We have had a busy week in math! We have completed our Rock Graphs and posted them on IRIS - make sure to take a look with your student and ask them about the steps they took to finish their graph. 

We also began exploring multiplication - ask your student about how to make 3 groups of 4! They have explored different strategies from the picture below: 
Image result for multiplication anchor chart

Here are some students working collaboratively on a Grocery Store Grouping problem! Ask your student what strategies they used to sort and group the grocery store items. 




Students have been exploring Social Centers - focusing on India geography, ways of life, and activists such as Iqbal and Malala. A favorite activity was researching a child activist and considering how their actions have impacted our world community. Ask your student who they researched & what their actions did to contribute to our world community! 

Student Survey

Friday, November 8, 2019

Nov 4 - 8

A big thank you to our parent community for all your support during these transition times with the CBE and the budget. We appreciate you so much!!!

Reading Volunteers Wanted!

I have created a Signup Genius in hopes of getting some volunteers to come in for a half hour after lunch on Mondays and Wednesdays to read one on one with students. If you are interested and have security clearance, please click on the link below to find a day that might work for you. Thank you in advance for your support! It is so important for children to read each and everyday for a minimum of 20 minutes. Even reading TO your child is super beneficial. It is great to model what reading looks, sounds and feels like :) 

Remembrance Day

Students did a wonderful job with their singing of "A Peaceful River". It was a beautiful performance. To honour past and present soldiers, students created poppy art along with a written note of thanks, that was displayed in the gym during the ceremony. I will be dropping their art off at the legion so those affected by war can enjoy their thoughtful letters of thanks.


We have been learning about children advocates by reading the stories of Malala and Iqbal. Students were tasked to sketch note as they listened to the stories.

Students have also begun working in inquiry centers where they have been learning about earthquakes and their rights and responsibilities.


We continue to work on organizing data and graphing our findings. This week students complied their data on their rock studies and created graphs. They have also been working on writing their scientific conclusions about their rock test results.

Book Fair

ROS Scholastic book fair will be held in conjunction with the parent teacher conferences during the week of November 18. This has been a wonderful way for us to raise funds to purchase books for our Learning Commons and classrooms.  In addition, it is a great opportunity for families to stock up on beloved stories for reading at home.

The book fair will be open for sales during the followings hours:

For Kindergarten Parents                Thursday, November 21    9:15 am 11:15 am & 1:30 to 3pm                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              
For everyone                                   Thursday, November 22    4:30 pm – 8:00 pm
                                                       Friday, November 23         8:15 – 12:00

Have a wonderful weekend!!

Sunday, November 3, 2019


Looking Ahead

Thurs., Nov. 7 – Remembrance Day Assembly at 10:30 – see below for more info.
Fri., Nov. 8 – No school for ROS students
Mon., Nov. 11 – Remembrance Day – No school
Nov. 21 and 22 – student-centered Conferences – details to follow
Book Fair:
ROS Scholastic book fair will be held in conjunction with the parent-teacher conferences during the week of November 18. This has been a wonderful way for us to raise funds to purchase books for our Learning Commons and classrooms.  In addition, it is a great opportunity for families to stock up on beloved stories for reading at home.
The book fair will be open for sales during the followings hours:
For Kindergarten Parents                      Thursday, November 21    9:15 am 11:15 am & 1:30 to 3pm                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              
For everyone                                         Thursday, November 22    4:30 pm – 8:00 pm
                                                               Friday, November 23         8:15 – 12:00
Bottle Drive
Thanks to all those who were able to drop off bottles for our bottle drive.  Thanks also to the volunteers who helped with unloading, loading, and pickups at people’s homes.  Just an FYI - Parent Council is hoping to do one more of these in the spring and then will look at an early September date for next year.  A simple, yet effective way of raising some funds and clearing out your garage!

Remembrance Day Assembly
Royal Oak School will be having a Remembrance Day ceremony on Thursday, November 7th at 10:30 a.m. Families are welcome to attend; please try to arrive a few minutes early to ensure you find a seat.
Holding Remembrance Day ceremonies helps pass on the tradition of remembrance and is an important way to show our gratitude to the Veterans of Canada, those currently serving and their families, and for the losses and sacrifices they have suffered. Due to the solemn nature of this ceremony, families are reminded to refrain from clapping after student presentations. Students who participate in Girl Guides (Sparks, Brownies) and Scouts (Beavers, Cubs) are welcome to wear their uniforms to the assembly.
With Remembrance Day quickly approaching, Royal Oak School would like to support our Veterans by collecting non-perishable food items. These items will be collected all week (November 1-7) and will be picked up and delivered to the Calgary Food Bank. There are specific items that are more needed than others and the Calgary Food Bank has outlined these as wish list items that are greatly appreciated.

Kind Regards, 
The learning environment committee.

From the Office
If your child is going to be away or will not be taking the yellow school bus, please ensure you let the office know.  In the hectic pace of the day teachers do not always get the chance to pass notes or emails to the office.  Please call 403-777-6279 and press 1 to leave a message.
Have a wonderful week everyone!